Saturday, September 6, 2008

Organ sounds

In my last post I talked about my organ...... no not that organ, my new Hammond "M". After messing around with it for a few days I decided to hook it up to my computer and record some scratch tracks. Take a listen:Check out the shifting Leslie effect....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm back

It's been quite awhile since my last post. I've been enjoying the summer, spending time with family, yardwork, and of course.... my day job. I haven't focused too much time on music lately but that is going to change. I've been gigging throughout the summer with Todd and we've been working on some new tunes, but I haven't been doing any hard-core practicing or recording.

It's always something about the Fall season that puts me into a new mode. Perhaps it's the association with going back to school (which I haven't had to worry about for years) that puts me into a new creative sense of mind. Of course, the weather change always is conducive to more inside activity like camping out in the music studio. Who wants to be in the basement when it's nice and sunny outside during the summer.

I just finished a road trip with my family over Laber Day weekend this week and I formulated a couple of new projects in my head. I recently got reacquainted with an old friend who I used to play music with. Josh is a drummer. He and I played in junior high and high school jazz band back in the day. We met again at a BBQ of a mutual friend and got to talking about music. He's in the mood to start playing out again after taking some time off (similar to my situation). He's into jazz and has a good rock background as well. A few rehearsals with Todd and we're now a trio.

I have a jazz project in mind to work on with Josh. I've had this notion to do an Ornette Coleman tribute album. I love his tunes and like the harmonic freedom that a piano-less trio brings. However, I play piano... ? I have an idea to record both trumpet and piano tracks over a groove that Josh would lay down. I'll put bass on top of this later. I want to get into a spontaneous thing with recording so I just purchased a USB pre-amp that will let me record 2 tracks at once. I can mike the drums and mike me and then we'll see what happens. I'd also like to get a trio thing going with Josh so we can play out live... which requires a 'real' bass player.

The other project is to record a groove-oriented album of my favorite songs featuring me on my new Hammond M organ. I just got this thing off of craigslist and it's real cool. I hook it up to my Leslie emulator and I'm grooving like Jimmy Smith (not quite). Anyway, I thought it'd be cool to work up some unconventional arrangements of favorite tunes by some of my favorite artists.... more to come on this.

Anyway, I'm excited about the work I've got coming up. I'm also delving into drop-2 voicings, some more McCoy Tyner left-hand work, and some chops development on trumpet (so I can play for more than just a half-hour). Maybe I'll pick up my strat along the way. As always, more to come......